Land West of Hemel Hempstead Planning Application

Dacorum Borough Council allocated the ‘Land West of Hemel Hempstead’ site in their Local Plan for a hybrid planning application for up to 1,000 dwellings.

A bespoke microsimulation model using VISSIM microsimulation software was produced to incorporate two mini roundabouts as well as the effects of the associated existing signalised pedestrian crossings. The model accounted for the observed mix of cars, HGVs, buses and pedestrian movements. The resulting model provided a highly accurate and realistic basis for assessing the impact of the development traffic on the two mini roundabouts in combination.

The transport assessment was conducted considering various future year scenarios under a static assignment model, which was considered appropriate due to the simplicity of the study network.

This satisfied Dacorum Borough Council and Hertfordshire County Council Highways that the highways impact and off-site mitigation would be acceptable, and the hybrid application was approved.

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